Tag Archives: Ric Flair

Episode 73: They’re not booing. They’re saying “DUUUUUUDES”

This week John McAdam and Sean Goodwin are joined by Jammie Ward, and we review Halloween Havoc ’89, thirty years later. Both John and Jammie attended the show and can provide a unique perspective. We discuss:

–The NWA had four consecutive outstanding Pay-per-view events before this one. Could they run the streak to five?
–Who got the biggest pop on this show?
–Should Lex Luger have been in the main event instead of The Great Muta?
–How did The Skyscrapers wind up feuding with the Road Warriors?
–What were our initial thoughts on Brian Pillman?
–What was it like when Doom made their first appearance, having never been on television before?
–Why was the promotion jobbing Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express?
–Can Stick To Wrestling provide a first-hand, full, detailed, moment by moment description of everything, smell of the air, sounds of the fans, as the Dynamic Dudes are announced? Of course we can!

Plus Jammie shares a story about standing on a chair at the show, the chair collapsing while Lex Luger laughed at him and offered no assistance. What are you waiting for, DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO THIS BAD BOY!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 68: Sittin’ By The Campfire With Ric

This week the STICK TO WRESTLING podcast has Tyler Judd as the guest. Tyler grew up in rural Virginia and he speaks with first hand expertise of what was going on in the Mid-Atlantic promotion during the Fall of 1984! The times they were a changing for this promotion in 1984, and we get into the details of:

–Dusty Rhodes becoming the new face of the promotion.
–Wahoo’s turn and subsequent run as a babyface. Boy oh boy, Tully Blanchard was a bad influence on that guy.
–We tell you who walked out despite having a major babyface push planned for him.
–What was the plan for Barry Windham in JCP during this time? We tell you.
–What was it like seeing such a huge transition, with Mid-Atlantic losing guys like Greg Valentine, Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat, The Briscos, Bob Orton Jr, etc?
–We talk about an absolutely bizarre and hilarious skit featuring Ric Flair and Blackjack Mulligan.
–Mike Rotondo was born ten to fifteen years too late.
–What should the main event of Starrcade ’84 have been?
–Now that Dusty’s here, everyone’s gotta be a cowboy.
–Don Kernodle and his strange 1982 – 1984 odyssey.

Plus, Sean Goodwin shares a brilliant observation about Starrcade ’84 that’s never been discussed before (We know ALL of the discussions. Trust us).

What are you waiting for? Get off your duffs, then DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO THIS BAD BOY!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 64: We’re So Sorry, Uncle Delbert

This week on Stick To Wrestling, our Summer Series continues as John McAdam and Sean Goodwin talk about the NWA’s 1986 Great American Bash Tour!  We discuss:

–The wisdom of booking the tour in football stadiums.
–Country music, and the fans’ reaction to it.
–Did the NWA have too many championships?
–How incredibly OVER the Rock & Roll Express were…for now.
–Road Warrior Hawk as a singles wrester challenging Ric Flair.
–The Magnum T.A. vs Nikita feud, and the “Best Of Seven Series” for the U.S. title.
–How we would have booked the tour and subsequently, Starrcade ’86.
And more, plus there’s a story about Johnny Mac getting attacked by cockroaches at the old Riverfront Stadium. What are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD THIS BAD BOY!

STICK TO WRESTLING! Give us sixty minutes and we’ll give you a wicked good podcast every week.

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 59: Make A Million Dollars, Just Use The Z-Man Correctly

Stick To Wrestling’s Summer Series continues as John McAdam and Sean Goodwin are joined by Randy Smith. We discuss the NWA’s Summer of 1989, with the main talking points being:

–Why Terry Funk couldn’t win anything but TV squashes before his big PPV bout vs Ric Flair.
–TV did not do the Great American Bash post match brawl with Flair and Sting vs Funk and Muta justice.
–Ricky Steamboat won’t sign that extension? No problem, just have Lex Luger feud with Tommy Rich. Puh-leeze.
–The Varsity Club- it ended too soon.
–The match between Ricky Steamboat and Lex Luger from July 22, 1989 is one of the most talked about non-televised, house show only matches ever. We tell you why.
–They pulled the plug on the talented Eddie Gilbert’s turn and left him without a role.
–The greatness that was the feud between James E. Cornette and Paul E. Dangerously.
–The Great Muta was aptly named.
–Mike Rotondo’s odd transition from a charmless bully to a happy sailor.
–McAdam thinks that if he were booking WCW, he would have made a million dollars with Tom Zenk. He really said that.

Plus, John talks about the special line somewhere between Philadelphia and Baltimore. What are you waiting for- DOWNLOAD THIS BAD BOY!

STICK TO WRESTLING, the only wicked good wrestling podcast around! Give us sixty minutes and we’ll give you a slice of pro wrestling heaven!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 48: It’s All The Accountant’s Fault!

On this week’s Stick To Wrestling John and Sean are joined by Jon Boucher, a smart, longtime fan and a friend of the show!

This is Part Two of our mailbag show, where we take listener questions from the Stick To Wrestling Facebook group and we discussed the following at length:

–Was there an “accountant” who should have, but maybe didn’t, keep Jim Crockett up to date on how much debt they were in, or is he a non-existent scapegoat?

–What promotion should have had television in Boston that didn’t? –If you couldn’t get Terry Funk to come to WCW in 1989, who would be your choice to be the legend rival for Ric Flair after The Steamboat trilogy?

–Which wrestlers in the mid-to-late eighties who never wrestled for Jim Crockett promotions would have made the best Horseman along with Flair, Arn, and Tully?

–What were your earliest exposures to “dirtsheets” and other insider publications?

–What is the most tasteless angle or promotional tactic ever employed by a wrestling company?

–I’m dating a wrestling fan and want to show her some classics, what should I show her?

–Could Greg Gagne have made it outside the AWA?

–If you could watch any piece of wrestling footage whether an angle or specific time period of a territory that doesn’t exist on tape, what would it be?

–Could Gary Hart have been a good managerial fit for the WWF in the mid-80’s and if so what would you see him doing there?

Plus, of course, we spin off more questions from these questions, which is one of the things that makes the Stick To Wrestling podcast WICKED GOOD. Give us sixty minutes and and we’ll make it your favorite podcast.

Plus Sean describes being a live witness at the Mass Transit incident. What are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD THIS BAD BOY!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 41: The Top 100 Wrestlers of 1984

John McAdam and Sean Goodwin talk about the Wrestling Observer Newsletter’s list of the Top 100 Wrestlers for the year of 1984.  We discuss Ric Flair, Dynamite Kid, Bruiser Brody, Stan Hansen, Riki Choshu, Ricky Steamboat, Davey Boy Smith, Butch Reed, Paul Orndorff, Adrian Adonis, Masa Saito, Randy Savage, Kerry Von Erich, Ted Dibiase, Don Kernodle, and more!

It’s a very cool discussion. Actually, it’s wicked cool!  Every week give us sixty minutes and we’ll give you a sweet podcast – STICK TO WRESTLING!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 37: Chi Town Rumble Turns 30!

John McAdam and Sean Goodwin are once again joined by superfan, superpodcaster and superauthor Jeff Bowdren! One day after the thirtieth anniversary of the 1989 NWA Chi-Town Rumble Pay Pay view we take a deep dive into one of the greatest PPVs in history.

We discuss:

–How horribly mispushed Ricky Steamboat was and how, despite being an elite worker, the fans rejected him.
–Was Steamboat’s return to his home promotion a surprise?
–Why the finish to the Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat at this show was arguably the greatest of all time.
–John’s theory on why George Scott was such an awful booker in 1989.
–Hiro Matsuda, The Invisible Manager.
–Was the main event of this show the greatest match of all time?
–How one can tell for certain if a match is going to a one hour draw.
–The Road Warriors turning twice in less than four months, and what a disaster it was.
–The 1989 version of the Varsity Club: Steve Williams, Mike Rotondo, and Dan Spivey. This should have been big.
–How this was the final night of Barry Windham being truly great.
–Mike Rotondo defeating Rick Stiener to regain the NWA TV title. At the time it was a major shock, but we tell you why they did it.
–Did the promotion go out of their way to undermine the red-hot Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton, and Stan Lane trio?
–Why Dennis Condrey did not appear on this show as scheduled.

Plus, a story about the time Jeff Bowdren offended Bonnie Steamboat! It’s a very cool discussion. Actually, it’s wicked cool! Every week give us sixty minutes and we’ll give you a sweet podcast – STICK TO WRESTLING!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 14: Buddy Landel Did Not Need To Travel To Hawaii To Hang Ten

John McAdam and Sean Goodwin are back for the final installment of the “Stick To Wrestling” three part series featuring all things 1985 World Championship Wrestling, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, and Georgia Championship Wrestling.

We dive deep into Starrcade ’85 and the big angles that led up to it including the historic angle where Flair shows a lack of gratitude by turning on Dusty right after Rhodes saves Ric from the Koloffs (of course McAdam sides with Flair here).

There’s are also debates on whether they turned the right wrestler for Starrcade, and whether or not the title should have legitimately changed hands that night. Plus there’s a brief aside on Kerry Von Erich and wrestling memorabilia. Wrestling is stuck to us, so we STICK TO WRESTLING!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.