Tag Archives: Bruno Sammartino

Episode 352: It’s Screaming At Me

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we review the WWWF event held at Madison Square Garden on March 17, 1975!

We talk Bruno Sammartino, Killer Kowalski, Fred Blassie, Chief Jay Strongbow, Captain Lou Albano, Ivan Putski, The Valiant Brothers, Spiros Arion, Victor Rivera, Tony Garea, Butcher Vachon, Dean Ho, Johnny Rodz, The Wolfman, Mike Paidousis, Bill White, Jack Evans.

Plus there’s an Amyl and the Sniffers reference, and we explain the logistics of why we missed the 50th Anniversary of this show (by two days), so what are you waiting for? Hit play and dive into this wicked good episode now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 350: I See Dead People

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined by newcomer Las Takacs, and we take questions from our listeners! Discussed on this week’s show:

–Should Andre The Giant have been turned earlier than 1987?
–How would a Bruno Sammartino and Lou Thesz WWWF / NWA unification match have impacted the sport?
–With all of the good-to-great tag teams in the WWF, why were Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake given the titles?
–After their July 4, 1982 match in Atlanta, should there have been a Ric Flair vs Bob Backlund rematch?
–Could Arn Anderson have been a main event wrestler?
–What’s an underrated territory that no one talks about?

Plus there’s talk of a concert by The Wiggles, so what are you waiting for? Hit play and dive into this wicked good episode now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 336: I’m Not A Loser

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we take a look at the WWF during the month of December, 1984! This episode highlights key figures from that era and offers a look at the storylines and personalities that defined the promotion at the time.

We talk Bruno Sammartino, Bobby Heenan, Junkyard Dog, Captain Lou Albano, Mil Mascaras, Jimmy Snuka, Bob Orton Jr, Jack & Jerry Brisco, Hillbilly Jim, Nikolai Volkoff, Adrian Adonis, Roddy Piper, Billy Jack Haynes, David Schultz, Andre The Giant, Iron Sheik, Mean Gene Okerlund, Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Kamala, Tonga Kid, Tony Atlas, Blackjack Mulligan, David Sammartino, Big John Studd, Greg Valentine, Ken Patera, Rocky Johnson, Fred Blassie, Angelo Mosca, Brutus Beefcake, Dick Murdoch, Paul Orndorff, Bret Hart, and more!

Plus there’s lots of great and rare audio from this era, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good episode right now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 330: The Great Typewriter Riot of ’74

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we review the WWWF in 1974 with popular returning guest John Jance! We talk Bruno Sammartino, Pedro Morales, Andre The Giant, Killer Kowalski, Gorilla Monsoon, Captain Lou Albano, The Valiant Brothers, Chief Jay Strongbow, Bobby Duncum, Stan Stasiak, Larry Hennig, Fred Blassie, Nikolai Volkoff, Strong Kobayashi, Victor Rivera, Otto Von Heller, Johnny Rodz, The Grand Wizard of Wrestling, Haystacks Calhoun, Larry Zbyszko, Stan Hansen, and more!

What are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good episode right now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 327: Three Winos In A Parking Lot

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we take a look at the WWF during the month of September, 1984!

We talk Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Bruno Sammartino, Bobby Heenan, The Freebirds, Junkyard Dog, Jesse Ventura, Sgt. Slaughter, Andre The Giant, Ken Patera, Adrian Adonis, Greg Valentine, Fred Blassie, Irton Mike Sharpe, Paul Orndorff, Captain Lou Albano, Dick Murdoch, Chief Jay Strongbow, Wendi Richter, Pat Patterson, Kamala, Brutus Beefcake, The Samoans, Iron Sheik, Cyndi Lauper, Ivan Putski, David Schultz, Jack & Jerry Brisco, Angelo Mosca, and more!

Plus there’s lots of great and rare audio from this era, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good episode right now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 278: Ramblin’ Man

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we review the WWWF Madison Square Garden show from October 23, 1978 as well as the television show that aired beforehand, all with popular returning guest Vincent Waller! On the discussion table:

–Ernie Ladd had a pretty interesting schedule in 1978, and we tell you about it.
–Bob Backlund is the new WWWF champion…and he also wants to after the tag titles? This did not end well.
–It may not have been a showcase of technical wrestling, but Bruno Sammartino and Superstar Billy Graham had an exciting match with a logical conclusion.
–Some old WWWF preliminary matches were fun! Baron Mikel Scicluna vs S.D. Jones was not.
–Squash matches at Madison Squaare Garden? Do better, WWWF.
–During the Monday Night Wars we could see as many as three turns in a week. The old WWWF had one turn in three years.

Plus Johnny Mac discusses the angle that had mind turning into the wee hours of the morning so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 277: Fake Bricks

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we take a look at an issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated, cover date September 1983. Fortylong years ago! We discuss:

–The raging war the Apter Mags have declared on the World Wrestling Federation. It was far worse than we remembered.
–In addition, the magazine was clearly in the corner of the Atlanta based World Championship Wrestling, heaping praise upon the promotion and pushing the editors’ appearances on their television show.
–Two world titles, not three? Really?
–“Was Bruno The Greatest WWF Champion Ever”? This couldn’t be a a backhanded jab at WWF champion Bob Backlund…could it?
–What was Kevin Von Erich’s greatest match? Listen to the podcast for the answer, then join the Facebook group to watch it!
–Dan Shocket was real, and he was a treasure.

Plus you can’t review an old Apter Mag without having some fun with the advertisements, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 260: 1989 Was Not Just A Taylor Swift Album

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING popular guest Jim Valley returns and we answer questions from our listeners, including:

–Why would the NWA crown Gene Kiniski as it’s World Champion after he dropped a series of matches in the WWWF while challenging Bruno?
–Many wrestling families claim to be the “first family of wrestling” but who do you we think is most worthy of that moniker?
–What was our favorite year of pro wrestling and what events from that year make it our favorite?
–Is Superstar Billy Graham the most influential wrestler of all time?
–Why would the NWA crown Gene Kiniski as the World Champion after he dropped a series of matches in the WWWF challenging Bruno? (Were there other credible alternatives for the NWA?).
–Would ECW have been more successful if they’d toured more and changed their style to fit the area they were in?

Plus Johnny Mac responds to those who say it was a mistake to take the WWWF title off of Superstar Billy Graham “so early”, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 242: Revisiting Larryland

There was so much more to discuss regarding the Bruno Sammartino vs Larry Zybysko feud after last week’s well recieved episode, so Steve and John discuss it! This week on STICK TO WRESTLING:

–Larry Zybysko never returned to the WWF after his 1980 run. Larry claims he was blackballed due to demanding more money at the Shea Stadium show, yet he remained booked in the WWF until the beginning of 1981. We break down what we think may have happened.
–Was Vince Sr. actually powerful enough to get Larry completely blackballed from the wrestling business?
–What was Larry Zybysko doing between the end of his 1980 WWF run and the beginning of his 1983 Georgia run?
–There was money to be made if Larry Zybysko returned to the WWF in 1982 or 1983. Couldn’t something have been worked out?
–The WWF seemed to be having more angles starting around this time. Was there a reason for that?
–Was what happened at the end of the Bruno vs Zybysko Shea Stadium match a hint of a new wrinkle in this storyline?

We don’t just discuss Larry Zybysko on this episode, but we do discuss a proposed WWF championship scenario that a WWF wrestler from this era discussed with Johnny Mac so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 224: The Other Bi-Centennial Kings

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined again by popular returning guest Steve Generelli, and we field questions from the Stick To Wrestling Universe on the year 1976. On the slate:

–What if Bruno Sammartino was unable to return to the WWWF after his neck injury? Would the promotion have survived?
–What were our thoughts on the buildup to the Muhammad Ali v Antonio Inoki match, and the match itself?
–What are our thoughts on how was Terry Funk booked as NWA champion?
–How was Harley Race viewed in 1976 after his very brief run as NWA champion?
–Which promotion had the strongest roster?
–What might have happened with Johnny Valentine in 1976 had he not been disabled in a late 1975 plane crash?

Plus John and Steve do an “Extra Innings” segment where they talk baseball from the 1970’s, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a wicked good and rawboned podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network