Tag Archives: Magnificent Muraco

Episode 345: State Haircut

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we finish our review of the WWF during the month of January 1985!

We talk Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Bobby Heenan, Roddy Piper, Barry Windham, Wendi Richter, Iron Sheik, Captain Lou Albano, Tito Santana, Gene Okerlund, Magnificent Muraco, Fred Blassie, Greg Valentine, Big John Studd, Tonga Kid, Jack & Jerry Brisco, Cyndi Lauper, Blackjack Mulligan, Ken Patera, Johnny Rodz, Adrian Adonis, Mike Rotondo, Andre The Giant, Bob Orton Jr, Dick Murdoch, Salvatorre Bellomo, Junkyard Dog, Mr. Fuji, Jimmy Snuka, Bret Hart, Paul Orndorff, Brutus Beefcake, Nikolai Volkoff, and more!

Plus there’s lot of rare audio and an absolutely wild segment from Tuesday Night Titans, so what are you waiting for? Hit play and dive into this wicked good episode now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 344: The Original Vern Schillinger

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we take a look at the WWF during the month of January 1985! We talk Hulk Hogan, Bobby Heenan, Cyndi Lauper, Greg Valentine, Andre The Giant, Ken Patera, Jimmy Snuka, Adrian Adonis, Barry Windham, Captain Lou Albano, Roddy Piper, Iron Sheik, Tito Santana, Jack & Jerry Brisco, Magnificent Muraco, Fred Blassie, Dick Murdoch, Bob Orton Jr, Nikolai Volkoff, Wendi Richter, Tonga Kid, Junkyard Dog, Buddy Rose, David Schultz, Mike Rotondo, Paul Orndorff, and more!

Plus there’s lots of rare audio from the wrestlers, so what are you waiting for? Hit play and dive into this wicked good episode now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 324: Merely An Advisor

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we continue our review of the WWF during the month of August 1984! We talk Captain Lou Albano, Magnificent Muraco, Chief Jay Strongbow, Jimmy Snuka, Bob Backlund, Iron Sheik, Roddy Piper, Fabulous Mooolah, Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, The Fabulous Freebirds, Nikolai Volkoff, The Samoans, Big John Studd, Adrian Adonis, Jesse Ventura, Dick Murdoch, Mil Mascaras, Wendi Richter, Kamala The Ugandan Giant, The Spoiler, George Steele, Rocky Johnson, Ivan Putski, Tito Santana, Mr. Fuji, Greg Valentine, Mad Dog Vachon, Bob Orton Jr, and more!

Plus there’s lots of rare audio and we fantasy book a Summer 1984 Shea Stadium super show, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good episode right now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 323: Lost With The Hornet

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we review the WWF during the month of August 1984! We talk The Fabulous Freebirds, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Jesse Ventura, Kamala The Ugandan Giant, Paul Orndorff, Greg Valentine, Bob Orton Jr, Greg Valentine, Wendi Richter, Iron Sheik, Mad Dog Vachon, The Spoiler, Jimmy Snuka, Adrian Adonis, Bob Backlund, Andre The Giant, Mr. Fuji, Tito Santana, Rocky Johnson, Chief Jay Strongbow, Magnificent Muraco, The Samoans, Ivan Putski, George Steele, Fabulous Mooolah, Big John Studd, Dick Murdoch, Nikolai Volkoff, and more!

Plus Johnny Mac talks the worst moments of his life which took place thirty years ago at Smoky Mountain Fan Week, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good episode right now!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly classic wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 263: Spring 1983 WWF, Part 2

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we present Part Two of our review of the WWF in the Spring of 1983! We talk Bob Backlund, Magnificent Muraco, Jimmy Snuka, Sgt. Slaughter, Captain Lou Albano, Ivan Putski, The Samoans, Andre The Giant, George Steele, Buddy Rogers, Big John Studd, Tito Santana, The Grand Wizard, Tito Santana, Iron Mike Sharpe, Fred Blassie, The Invaders, Chief Jay Strongbow, Ivan Koloff, and more!

Plus we have more rare audio from this era, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 262: WWF, Spring 1983

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we review the WWF of forty years ago, in the Spring of 1983! We talk Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, Magnificent Muraco, Andre The Giant, Rocky Johnson, Captain Lou Albano, Superstar Billy Graham, Sgt. Slaughter, Fred Blassie, The Samoans, Big John Studd, Tito Santana, Iron Mike Sharpe, The Grand Wizard (of wrestling, of course), Ivan Koloff, The Strongbows, Ray Stevens, Tony Garea, Buddy Rogers, early WWF expansion, Vince McMahon’s falling out with the magazines, and much more.

Plus there’s lots of RARE audio from this era, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 229: They Fired The First Shot

STICK TO WRESTLING is once again joined by popular returning guest Jammie Ward as we take a look at all things happening in the WWF during the Fall of 1982!

–The Samoans return to the WWF after leaving Georgia Championship Wrestling without dropping the tag team titles and without giving notice. This may have been the first real shot fired in the 80’s wrestling war.
–Magnificent Muraco returns after being away for a very brief time. This led some to believe he would win the WWF title from Bob Backlund.
–Big John Studd arrives in the WWF with Fred Blassie as his manager, offering prize money to anyone who can bodyslam him. We could all sense the upcoming feud with Andre The Giant.
–Eddie Gilbert becomes Bob Backlund’s new protege. Those who watch wrestling know this will not end well for either Eddie, Bob, or both.
–Pedro Morales’ reign as Intercontinental Champion rolls on.
–Tiger Mask comes to visit and delivers some unforgettable matches.

Plus there’s audio clips and Johnny Mac talks about seeing the WWF on consecutive nights, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this wicked good podcast today!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone and wicked good wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network