Tag Archives: John McAdam

Episode 101: The Third Man

Stick To Wrestling is joined this week by Christian Boddie. John, Sean, and Christian discuss and describe their single favorite wrestling episode of all time. No spoilers, so you’ll have to download and listen to this WICKED GOOD bad boy in order to learn what our choices are. John McAdam’s pick will probably surprise you.

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll deliver a rawbone podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 100: Plastic

This week Stick To Wrestling is joined by Sean Grande, who is not only a lifelong wrestling fan who grew up walking distance from Madison Square Garden, but is also the VOICE OF THE BOSTON CELTICS! Everyone in the Boston area knows who Sean is. We talk:

–The 1981 angle where the WWF title was held up in New York following the Bob Backlund vs Greg Valentine match.

–How the Madison Square Garden and Boston Garden shows were both very different and very similar.

–Why we were surprised that Harley Race challenging Bob Backlund in 1980 was a great draw and a poor match.

–Why the Junior Heavyweight Title never got over in the Northeast.

–The wrestlers we felt had a legitimate chance of taking the title from Bob Backlund

Plus Sean Grande and John McAdam share memories of both being at Game 6 of the 1986 World Series. We didn’t Stick To Wrestling the entire time this week, but the podcast somehow WICKED GOOD regardless. What are you waiting for? Download and listen to this bad boy!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll deliver a rawbone podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 99: Killer Calendar

Stick To Wrestling, the only WICKED GOOD wrestling podcast out there, is joined by Vincent Waller. We discuss multiple topics including:

–What was behind the WWF’s “Killer Calendar” schedule of the mid to late 80’s?

–Should Shane McMahon be taken seriously as a wrestler?

–What are the moves that a lot of wrestlers do, but few do really well?

–What wrestlers were shoved down the fans’ collective throats?

–Who were the greatest defenders of kayfabe?

And more, plus Johnny Mac let’s us know what new fun he’s discovered in the Coronavirus Era., so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this WICKED GOOD bad boy.

STICK TO WRESTLING; Give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 98: Of Course She’s Qualified

Stick To Wrestling, the only WICKED GOOD wrestling podcast out there, is once again joined by John Muse as we talk about the first Clash of the Champions special. We go into the details of

–Why this show came into existence and how it changed wrestling history.

–Precious goes wild with coat hangers and wooden boards.

–Steve Williams rolls out one of the worst interviews of all time on live TV. Why was Doc still a babyface?

–The Midnight Express vs The Fantastics in a ten minute tornado of a match.

–The debut of Al Perez, managed by Gary Hart. Believe it or not, Perez was seen as a major acquisition at the time.

–The NWA had a Barbed Wire Match. The WWF would never consider doing one of these in 1988.

–A much smaller version of Nikita Koloff returns.

–Lex Luger and Barry Windham pull off a major surprise by winning the NWA tag titles from Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.

–The NWA had a Penthouse Pet as a judge for the main event. The WWF would never consider doing this in 1988.

–Ric Flair vs Sting turns out to be Match of the Year, and Sting becomes a star in 45 minutes.

Plus we discuss Patty Mullen’s other endeavors, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this WICKED GOOD bad boy.

Stick To Wrestling- give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed we’ll give you a RAWBONE podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 97: Rooting For Bischoff

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined by John Muse, who would have been one of WCW’s bookers in 2001 had Eric Bischoff successfully purchased the company.

John tells the story of how he and Eric were introduced, how he auditioned for the position, John flying to Arizona to sit and meet with Bischoff, who Eric wanted to push, and more.

Plus both John McAdam and John Muse both booked local indies, and they discuss what goes into that, their booking philosophies, and more.

Stick To Wrestling- give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed we’ll give you a RAWBONE podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 96: December, 1983 (Oh, What a Night)

This week on Stick To Wrestling we take a look back at the wrestling events that were held on December 25, 1983. It’s a significant date because it’s the final night of holiday shows before the WWF expanded nationally. We touch upon:

–The decline of Georgia Championship Wrestling and the dreadful Mr. R angle.

–The AWA ran a major show on this night, and their age problems are showing as the main event is a 49 year old Nick Bockwinkel defends against a 54 year old Mad Dog Vachon.

–Mid-Atlantic Wrestling is also having problems, as they continue to run stale programs from Starrcade.

And of course Johnny Mac takes shot after shot on Ole Anderson’s 1983 booking, and Georgia Championship Wrestling’s general lack of quality control, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this WICKED GOOD bad boy.

Stick To Wrestling- give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed we’ll give you a RAWBONE podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 95: They Really Thought Virgil Would Be A Star

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined by popular guest Thomas Bane and we primarily discuss Wrestlemanias 6, 7, and 8. We talk about:

–What is this year’s Wrestlemania going to be like, being held without an audience?

–What kind of a finish did we expect for Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6?

–Did the WWF push Warrior correctly as their new champion?

–Did the WWF handle moving Wrestlemania 7 from a football stadium to an arena correctly?

–How big of a shock was it to see Sgt. Slaughter, who had been irrelevant for years, as WWF champion and the headliner of a Wrestlemania?

–Ted Dibiase vs Virgil finally happened, four years after their arrival in the WWF.

–Was Wrestlemania 8 supposed to be Hulk Hogan’s final match?

–Did “insiders” know Ultimate Warrior was returning.

Plus we tell you the reason Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair dream match was not the main event at Wrestlemania 8. We don’t speculate- we share factual information. So what are you waiting for? Down load and listen to this WICKED GOOD bad boy!

Stick To Wrestling- give us sixty minutes, and perhaps indeed we’ll give you a RAWBONE podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 94: Breakfast Time For Some, Bed Time For Others

STICK TO WRESTLING is once again joined by popular guest Jammie Ward! It’s Wrestlemania Season and and we talk Wrestlemania 4 and Wrestlemania 5, and Jammie was in attendance for both events.

–What was the impact of having Wrestlemanias 4 and 5 at Trump Plaza?

–On the NBC special before Wrestlemania 4, HonkyTonk Man refuses to lose Intercontinental Title title to Randy Savage on NBC. How should the WWF have handled this?

–A copy of a WWF magazine leaked out that had Savage listed as the new WWF champion after winning the Wrestlemania 4 tournament. How should the WWF have reacted?

–Was Wrestlemania 4 the worst Wrestlemania ever?

–What was the reaction to Rick Rude beating Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania 5?

–What were the best and worst matches at Wrestlemania 5?

–Randy Savage was in the hospital (!!) on the morning of Wrestlemania 5 (!!) with a staph infection. What if Randy Savage absolutely could not have made the show.

Plus Johnny Mac goes down the fantasy booking rabbit hole and re-does Wrestlemania 4, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this WICKED GOOD BAD BOY!

Stick To Wrestling; give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we will give you a RAWBONE podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 93: Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects

STICK TO WRESTLING is once again joined by popular guest Brandon Rice! It’s Wrestlemania Season and and we talk Wrestlemania 2 and Wrestlemania 3.

–What were the original Wrestlemania 3 plans for Bruno Sammartino, Superstar Billy Graham, King Kong Bundy, Jesse Ventura, and Big John Studd?

–Pro Wrestling quickly became a pay per view staple, but it wasn’t always that way. We discuss this.

–Was King Kong Bundy the best opponent for Hulk Hogan, and was Bundy built up correctly and protected? Of course he wasn’t, and we break it all down for you.

–Was it a good idea having Wrestlemania 2 three separate locations, on a Monday night?

–Any truth to the Nikita Koloff / Wrestlemania 2 rumor?

–Who predicted that Wrestlemania 3 would draw only 40,000, and that the Silverdome would look empty?

–Was Savage vs Steamboat the best Wrestlemania match ever?

–Why did the WWF make a custom “Giant” belt for Andre?

–Where were Paul Orndorff, Kamala, Demolition, and Sika on the afternoon of Wrestlemania 3?

Plus Johnny Mac goes out and puts a jinx on our nation and it’s economy, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to this WICKED GOOD BAD BOY!

Stick To Wrestling; give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we will give you a RAWBONE podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 92: What The World Was Watching

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined by popular guest Brandon Rice. It’s Wrestlemania Season, so we talk about the first one, held in 1985. We discuss:

–We talk about David Schultz trying to pick a fight with Mr. T weeks before the show.

–The Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper match on MTV that introduced Mr. T into the angle.

–The wave of pre-show appearances by Hulk Hogan and Mr. T, and them hosting Saturday Night Live the night before the show.

–The riot that almost occurred when the Felt Forum oversold over 1,000 tickets.

–What if Wrestlemania was a flop?

–Where and how did we see the first Wrestlemania?

–Had The Freebirds stayed in the WWF, what role might they have played at Wrestlemania?

–Muhammad Ali was heavily hyped as the referee for the main event, but he actually had a very minor role as the ref outside the ring. What happened?

Plus we hype a pool for a tournament that’s not going to happen! What are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO THIS WICKED GOOD BAD BOY!

STICK TO WRESTLING: Give us sixty minutes and perhaps, indeed, we will give you a rawbone podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network