Tag Archives: Podcast

Episode 293: It’s Not Like Moving Your…

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we converse with former Pro Wrestling Illustrated writer Bob Smith! On this episode we discuss:

–How Bob got his foot in the door of the world’s most prominent pro wrestling publication.
–The process of getting all of the magazines under the Stanley Weston umbrella from the office and to the newsstand.
–How the magazines protected the business and were an asset to the industry.
–How the wrestlers reacted to some of the stories they were featured in.
–The rise and decline of the magazines’ sales.
–How the magazine’s articles were created.

Plus Bob shares his experiences in writing for a fantasy baseball newsletter, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to listen to this wicked good episode!

STICK TO WRESTLING, give us 60 minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly pro wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 292: This Is Not Entertaining Television

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we continue our review of the WWF during the month of January, 1984. This was one of the most tumultuous and chaotic months in any company in pro wrestling history. On the discussion table:

–Bob Backlund has a new tag team partner, and he’s from Venice Beach, CA.
–Magnificent Muraco vs Tito Santana! That match sure sounds good on paper, but was it in reality?
–The WWF continues to upgrade it’s television production.
–The silliness of three-out-of-five fall tag team matches.
–Little did we know that Tony Atlas was not still an ascending star, he had already peaked.
–The sad demise of Chief Jay Strongbow.

Plus there are weird Carl Yastrzemski analogies to be had, so what are you waiting for? Download and listen to listen to this wicked good episode!

STICK TO WRESTLING, give us 60 minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned weekly pro wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 289: Stability Is Good

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is once again joined by popular returning guest Christian Boddie for Part Two of our Starrcade ’88 review! We discuss:

–The big question: Did the NWA make the wrong decision by not passing the torch and making Lex Luger their world champion at this event?
–Did Dusty Rhodes really want Ric Flair to do a five minute job to Rick Steiner?
–Speaking of Dusty, he really would have remained on as booker if not for making a daring and ill-advised angle with the Road Warriors. It’s discussed on this episode.
–How did Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard leaving for the WWF affect this event?
–Barry Windham was at his absolute peak here. He would soon have a dramatic fall.
–We’re convinced that Lex Luger was promised something in exchange for doing a semi-clean job, and we tell you what we think it was.

Plus we take quesions from the Stick To Wrestling Universe regarding this event, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this wicked good episode!

STICK TO WRESTLING, give us 60 minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned pro wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 288: U.S. Marshal Rooster Cogburn

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined by popular returning guest Christian Boddie and we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Starrcade ’88! We discuss:

–The NWA being purchased by Ted Turner.
–Dusty Rhodes attempts to cling to power.
–Ric Flair, and his role in everything that was going on in the company.
–Steve Williams- just how to you use this guy in a U.S. based promotion?
–Jim Cornette vs Paul E. Dangerously, the hottest feud in the game.
–With Nikita Koloff gone, was there any role for Ivan Koloff?

Plus we take shots at Dusty Rhodes for portraying himself as John Wayne’s character in the film “True Grit”, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this wicked good episode!

STICK TO WRESTLING, give us 60 minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned pro wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 287: A Weird Marilyn Monroe Analogy

This week STICK TO WRESTLING is joined by popular returning guest Steve Crawford, and we take questions from our listeners! On this week’s show:

–Has Dave Meltzer’s coverage of AEW hurt his credibility?
–If you listen to this episode, you will learn what was in the photos that Baby Doll was going to blackmail Dusty Rhodes with.
–What could have been the fallout from the controversial Steve Austin / Brian Pillman home invasion angle?
–Would Smoky Mountain Wrestling have done better had it been based in the Carolinas?
–Why was former WWWF champion Stan Stasiak wrestling near the bottom of WWWF shows in the late 70’s?
–What do we remember about the AWA’s Superclash 3?

Plus Johnny Mac shares an amusing anecdote about an annoying tape customer, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

STICK TO WRESTLING, give us 60 minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 286: Jack’s Stupid Little Brother*

*That’s a compliment. Jerry Brisco was a great heel playing that role.

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we present Part Two of out review of Starrcade ’83! On the discussion table:

–Why was Angelo Mosca getting so much spotlight?
–It was a shock when Jack and Jerry Brisco turned heel, but they were perfect in the role.
–Ricky Steamboat’s one weakness.
–The internet’s overreaction to Gene Kiniski’s refereeing.
–Was Hulk Hogan really supposed to appear on this show?
–They were booking the United States championship quite poorly.

Plus we have a “for review purposes” segment with Todd Goss, who was fourth row ringside for the event, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

STICK TO WRESTLING, give us 60 minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawboned wrestling podcast.

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 285: Everything I Don’t Like Is Vince Russo

This week on the 40th Anniversary of Starrcade ’83, we review and pay tribute to this legendary show! On the discussion table:

–What if Harley Race no showed this event, as per Vince McMahon’s request? Could this event have been salvaged?
–The world is becoming a smaller place and the fans are starting to notice copycat gimmicks and angles…like Downtown Charlie Brown.
–The Roddy Piper vs Greg Valentine was both brutal and a classic.
–Lots and lots of blood on this show!
–The promotion did a lot to give Starrcade ’83 the feel of a truly major event.
–How would Kevin Sullivan and his gimmick fit into the old Mid-Atlantic territory?

Plus a family traveled 180 miles for this event and Johnny Mac tells you why he’s not impressed, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 284: Watching Monitors In The Cold

This week STICK TO WRESTLING reviews the World Class Championship Wrestling “Star Wars” show from Thanksgiving Night, 1983 and we’re joined by Lance Peterson, who attended the show live! We discuss:

–Did the Von Erichs vs Freebirds feud go on for too long? The box office says no.
–The Sunshine vs Precious was incredibly original, and almost every other promotion tried to copy it. Also, it wasn’t very nice of Bill Mercer to ambush Jimmy Garvin at his house like that!
–Mike Von Erich makes his debut on this show. Was this a good idea?
–Lance tells us about another debut that was not televised.
–Kevin Von Erich and Terry Gordy really brought out the best in one another.
–The Kerry Von Erich vs Michael Hayes “Loser Leaves Town” match had a very important detail presented.

Plus Lance talks about attending the red carpet premiere of “The Iron Claw”, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 283: Can’t Blame Randy Savage

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of The Survivor Series! On the discussion table:

— The 1987 Survivor Series was excellent. Could the 1988 version keep up?
— Jesse Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon delivered an outstanding performance on this night.
— That darn Bad News Brown just couldn’t get along with anyone.
— Five guys per team, so even matches with poor in-ring performers should be decent, right? Just go in there and give it your all for two minutes and then tag out. There’s theory, and then there’s reality.
— The Young Stallions, Paul Roma and Jim Powers, were pushable.
— Andre The Giant seems less and less relevant.

Plus Johnny Mac goes off on the way the WWF managed the talents of One Man Gang and Terry Taylor, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 282: Jumping In The Wrong Car

This week on STICK TO WRESTLING we take questions from the STW Universe about the WWF in 1983. We answer:

–Vince McMahon tried to get Harley Race to skip Starrcade ’83 and jump to the WWF. Did Vince try that with Ric Flair? What if he succeeded in getting Ric ro skip Starrcade?
–Were there any hints that Hulk Hogan was coming in prior to his arrival?
–What angles or programs did we want to see, but they never happened?
–Why did Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson dislike one another?
–What was the deal with Don Kernodle’s ridiculous non-push?
–Could feuds with Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff have revitalized Bob Backlund?

Plus Johnny Mac shares an odd story about attending a WWF TV taping in 1991, so what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode for a wicked good time!

STICK TO WRESTLING…give us sixty minutes and perhaps indeed, we’ll give you a rawbone wrestling podcast!

Produced by Lou Kipilman

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network