Tag Archives: Andre The Giant

Episode 40: Where Is Moondog King? He Got Hit By A Car.

John McAdam and Sean Goodwin are once again joined by popular guest Scott Cornish! We’re back taking a deep dive into 1981 WWF, and we cover the following:

–A 1981 show held in Utica, NY, attended by Scott himself.
–A 1981 show at Holy Cross Stadium in Worcester, MA, attended by John, featuring one of the best matches he’s ever seen live.
–The joy of buying programs at the nightly events.
–The mystery of Moondog King disappearing and Moondog Spot taking his place.
–Pat Patterson’s career winding down.
–The fallout from Andre The Giant breaking his leg.
–Curt Hennig getting his start in WWF prelims in 1981.
–The legacy of Captain Lou Albano donning the tights and getting in the ring.
–We get sidetracked and start telling Dick Murdoch stories.
–Was Sgt. Slaughter 1981 Wrestler of the Year?
–Why the managers did not remain at ringside at Madison Square Garden.
–Gorilla Monsoon’s retirement and his one match comeback.
–S.D. Jones’ 1981 WWF return and push, along with his “freeze and blink” offense.

Plus, STW March Madness is coming! Head over to our Facebook group for more info! It’s a very cool discussion. Actually, it’s wicked cool! Every week give us sixty minutes and we’ll give you a sweet podcast – STICK TO WRESTLING!

Stick To Wrestling with John McAdam & Sean Goodwin is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.